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Application for Employment


We consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability, or pardoned conviction. 

Pro-Tec Fire Services of Canada, ULC

3433 West College Avenue
Appleton, WI 54914
Phone (920) 494-8851
Fax (920) 494-5384

How did you learn about Pro-Tec?
Have you ever been employed with us before?
Are you at least 18 years of age?
Are you currently employed?
Are you a Canadian Resident or Permanent Resident of Canada?
Proof of citizenship or immigration status will be required upon employment.
Type of employment desired:
Are you willing to work overtime when necessary?
Are you currently on "lay-off" status and subject to recall?
Can you travel if a job requires it?


Select all that apply


Begin with your most recent job and list all employers for the last five years. If possible, concentrate on Fire & Emergency Services - even if Volunteer or POC. Include part-time, full-time and all periods of employment. If there are gaps in time between jobs (drawing unemployment, illness, etc.) use section below to explain each gap. You may exclude organizations which indicate race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability, or pardoned conviction.

Employment 1

Add More Employment?


Provide 3 references familiar with your work capabilities.

Reference 1


Reference 2


Reference 3



Do you have experience in the following fields? Indicate the number of years in the space provided that is applicable to Skills/Experience, Certifications, Licenses, Equipment Operated.
Aircraft Rescue Firefighting
Structural Fire Rescue Experience
Industrial Fire Rescue Experience

Required Certifications & Licenses

Proof of Certification and Licenses will be required.
Firefighter Level II in accordance with NFPA 1001
HazMat at the Operations Level in accordance with NFPA 1072 (472)
ICS or IMS 100
Drivers License with Airbrake endorsement
Certified Airport Firefighter in accordance with NFPA 1003
Certified Driver Operator in accordance with NFPA 1002
Certified Fire Service Instructor in accordance with NFPA 1041
Certified Fire Officer in accordance with NFPA 1021
Certified Rescue Technician in accordance with NFPA 1006
Certified HazMat Response in accordance with NFPA 1072 - Technician
Certified HazMat Response in accordance with NFPA 1072 - Incident Commander
Certified First Aid Instructor
Certified SCBA Technician
ICS or IMS 300
Do you have a valid RAIC from Transport Canada?
Do you hold a valid ROC-A License from Industry Canada?
You may exclude organizations that indicate race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability, or pardoned conviction.

Pro-Tec is committed to equal opportunity employment and eliminating barriers through our recruitment process where possible. Many of our positions are safety sensitive positions and as such, require specific mental and physical abilities to adequately perform the job. The following questions are being asked as they are indicators of abilities that are required for successful performance of the Airport roles. 

Do you have any physical disabilities that will prevent you from executing any work required by an Airport Firefighter, Medical Responder, HazMat responder, or ARFF Driver Operator?
Are you Claustrophobic, Acrophobic, or Colour Blind?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Maximum one document
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Maximum one document
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.


I certify that answers given in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I release from all liability or legal claims every person seeking or providing information in connection with my application for employment, whether oral or written. A photocopy of this release shall be as valid as the original, and may be relied upon by all persons providing information.
I have read (or have had read to me), understand and agree to the above statement. (Please sign below)

Clear Signature

This application for employment shall be considered active for a period of time not to exceed 30 days. After that time, applicants will be required to resubmit a completed application.
I have read (or have had read to me), understand and agree to the above statement. (Please sign below)

Clear Signature

In the event I am employed, I understand that any false or misleading information I knowingly provided in my application or interview(s) may result in discharge and/or legal action. I understand also that if employed, I am required to abide by all rules and regulations of the employer and any special agreements reached between the employer and me.
I have read (or have had read to me), understand and agree to the above statement. (Please sign below)

Clear Signature

Consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information:

By aplying for this position, I hereby give my consent to Pro-Tec Fire Services of Canada, ULC, and its recruiters and managers, to:

(a) Access and use the personal information contained in my application form and/or my resume, if submitted;
(b) Contact the references named herein or in my resume, if submitted;
(c) Access and use the information contained in my criminal record (if any) obtained as a result of the criminal record check for vulnerable sector;
(d) Access and use the information in my Driver's Abstract;
(e) In the event that I am offered a position, I agree to submit to a physical fitness exam, a medical examination, drug & alcohol test, and consent to Pro-Tec's access and use of the information obtained as a result, and to use any of the information collected as per above to assess my experience and suitability for the applied position.

I have read (or have had read to me), understand and agree to the above statement. (Please sign below)

Clear Signature
Clear Signature